Friday 18 February 2011

shimmering soap bubbles

Shimmering soap bubbles
First I made a circular wire shape by taking some flexible wire wrapping it around a can and stuck the bottom of the circular wire into a 5 by 5 piece of wood and then I was done with that part! Blowing the bubbles and getting them into the circular flexible wire was wicked hard, so I didn’t make the flexible wire different shapes. Whenever the bubbles touched the wire they popped! Eventually I used a straw cut to look like a flower so when the straw went in the soapy solution [which is made of water, soap, and sugar] you could pull the straw out, blow through the regular end of the straw, and bubbles came out the flower shaped end to the wire and the bubble stayed in the wire without popping!  So, in the bubble I saw a lot of different Colors and rainbows, and the bottom of the inside of the bubble was spinning around rapidly!

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